Today I learnt that i am an I.D. personality which stands for an Energetic and a Regulator Personality. It is very important to Understand youself then others. People are different but predictably different. . An energetic Personality is a creative, artistic, high energetic person. They are always interrupting , They never take NO for an answer, Paper work is a waste of time to them, They have their own way of doing things, They are totally spontaneous and are the entertainers of the world, They have so many good ideas, They have big failures and big successes, They have very few friends and bounce from relationship to relationship, They are geniuses, They need to be the center of attention, They do not like rules (Sooo , They get bored easily, They are impatient and make constant unpredictable changes, They are sex crazed, They have an excellent sense of humor, They are very creative, intelligent and artistic. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET
The Regulator Personality are the power crazed people. They are early arrivers (welllllll im late for appointments sometimes), They are goal setters, They do not like big groups, they like to dress up, They like to "get to the point". They are people that when you cross the line; If it done its done, They erase people from their memory, They are bulldozers, they plow through, They are task oriented; if you want the job done go to them, They do not admit they made mistakes because they are perfect, They have to be in control, They are impulsive decision makers and they are their favorite person.
I would tell you more about this personalities and the other two but i am soooo sleepy and tiredn now.
Goodnite :)